Tango Norte

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Two Music Seminars

Theresa Faus
lördag 30 december, 2017 kl 14.15–19.30
Alviks Medborgarhus, Mossensalen

Stockholm Tangofestival 2017 29 dec - 1 jan
  • First Seminar 14.15 - 15.45
  • Second Seminar 18.00 - 19.30

In the break you have time to visit the afternoon milonga!

The thirties: Development of the stylistic diversity of the orchestras.

From the Guardia Vieja and Guardia Nueva to the Época de Oro. At the end of the twenties, during the first big tango boom in Buenos Aires, there were two predominant stylistic tendencies competing for the audience: the traditional orchestras of the Guardia Vieja and the innovators with the protagonists Julio and Francisco de Caro who called themselves Guardia Nueva. Many of the important musicians of the golden age had their beginnings in these years. In the following decade the tango passed through economically difficult times; musicians had to find other sources of income, many orchestras broke up. But the remaining and new protagonists experimented with enthusiasm and created new stylistic elements. At the end of the decade it was an enormous diversity of orchestras that constituted the beginning of the next tango boom, the golden age. But not only as the transition to the well-known and popular music of the época de oro the thirties are important – in that decade many wonderful songs were created.

Carlos di Sarli – Miguel Caló – Aníbal Troilo. The elegant salon orchestras of the 40ies

In the first part of the 40ies, when there were supposedly 600 tango orchestras in Buenos Aires, when every day three tango discs were released and when in every block in the center there was a milonga, the orchestras of Carlos di Sarli, Miguel Caló and Aníbal Troilo were among the most popular. Nowadays they are essential for every tango DJ. The seminar presents these three orchestras and their excellent musicians and singers. We follow their career from the late 20ies until the 50ies, with focus on the recordings with singing from the first part of the 40ies, when tango composers and lyricists cooperated cloesely, and the singers became performers of poetry set to music. In a series of comparisons between different versions of the same songs we examine the characteristic elements of the styles of the three orchestras.

If you are not yet a member in Tango Norte you need to register (press "Become a member" in the left column). After that you can log in and book. Payment can be done in several ways including credit card. If you choose not to be a member you pay instead a small booking fee.

Kostnad: 150 kr per person.
Max antal deltagare: 30 deltagare.

Bokningsperioden avslutades måndag 1 januari, 2018 kl 17.

Om du har frågor angående evenemanget, kontakta Eva Lindroth eller Marjatta Eladhari.

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