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Musicality - improvisation - space control part A

Eleni Tsirigoti och Kostas Douk
lördag 29 december, 2018 kl 14.30–16
Alviks Medborgarhus, Nockebysalen

Stockholm Tangofestival 2018 28 dec - 1 jan

Workshop med Eleni Tsirigoti och Kostas Douk, fortsättnings/medelnivå

  • Musicality - improvisation - space control part A

Musicality: To get to the next level in your tango journey is not about new steps and figures. Its about finding your own dance quality. Dancing your music, using the space you have, and creating your own combinations, by using the four elements of the nature in your dance. Enjoying your dance and make your partner happy!

De två kurserna om att Musikalitet, improvisation och utrymmeskontroll hör ihop, men det är också möjligt att bara vara med på den ena. Du hittar den andra kursen här: Musicality - improvisation - space control part B.

Om du inte redan är medlem i Tango Norte måste du registrera dig innan du kan boka kurser (tryck på "Registrera dig" i vänsterspalten). Efter det kan du logga in och boka. Om du inte väljer att bli medlem så betalar du istället en liten bokningsavgift.

Workshop with Eleni Tsirigoti och Kostas Douk, intermediate- level

  • Musicality - improvisation - space control part A

Musicality: To get to the next level in your tango journey is not about new steps and figures. Its about finding your own dance quality. Dancing your music, using the space you have, and creating your own combinations, by using the four elements of the nature in your dance. Enjoying your dance and make your partner happy!

The two courses on Musicality - improvisation - space control are intended to be taken together, but it is also possible to choose just one of them. You find the second workshop here:Musicality - improvisation - space control part B.

If you are not yet a Tango Norte member you need to register in order to book courses (press "Register yourself " in the left column). After that you can log in and book. Payment can be done in several ways including credit card. If you choose not to be a member you pay instead a small booking fee.

Kostnad: 250 kr per person.
Max antal deltagare: 14 par.

Bokningsperioden avslutades lördag 29 december, 2018 kl 09.

Om du har frågor angående evenemanget, kontakta Eva Lindroth eller Giovanni Vincenti.

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