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Monday Tango Very Special Live Performance Practice

måndag 20 maj kl 17.30–21
Lignagatan 6

Denna måndag blir det levande musik i vår praktika. Våra gästlärare är 10 särskilt framstående musiker från Argentina, nämligen - Facundo Lázzari, Ricardo Badaracco, Oscar Yemha, Lucas Pantarotto, Pablo Ginzburg, Emilio Pagano, and Juan Pablo Cravenna, Federico Perez, Andrés Santarsiero och Fernando Rodas.

Orkestern kommer att vara på scenen med orkesterledaren (samtidigt förste bandoneonisten) Facundo Lazzari, omkommer att dela med oss vad de vet om tango musik och med särskild inriktning på Juan D’Arienzos stil. Något som kommer att vara helt unikt för deras Stockholmsbesök, 3 timmars levande musikframträdande innehållande teori och praktik samt musik med dans.

Programmet betår av tre delar:

1- En timmes praktisk seminarium

2- en timmes praktika med hela orkestern (du kan dansa eller lyssna eller växla mellan dessa.

3- En timme lugn dans eller bara häng med hemmagjorda Empanadas.

Kostnad: Drop-in är möjligt men om det blir lång kö vid inträdet så är max antalet 150 personer i lokalen. inträde kostar 250 kr.

Välkommen! Besos y abrazos, Sujy, Anna E, Nina C, Nomi, Giovanni, Tomas, Facundo, Ricardo, Oscar, Lucas, Pablo, Emilio, and Juan Pablo, Papu, Andrés and Fernando

_____ They are currently touring across Europe for a month and a half. Some may imagine spotlights, applauds, VIP treatments, the fun of “travelling the world” etc. but in reality, they work really hard to give it ALL to the audience every time, under extremely diverse conditions they encounter in every destination (It's tough work!) They came here with an early morning train directly after a late-night gig in Kopenhagen; played two full 75-min sets in Kulturhuset on the same day; now they are not only playing yet-another full set but also sharing the musical knowledge they apply in their musical practice with us. Stockholm is not just one of many cities they visit; they are really giving extra-love to Stockholm. So, Join us Today! No only to get love, but to give love

- The detailed content of the seminar will be posted in the “Discussion” section of this facebook page. - After the acoustic concert by La Juan D’arienzo, we have a secret DJ debut (going by the preliminary name “Malbados” for now)

This event is open to everyone; and applicable to every millisecond of your tango journey. Looking forward to embracing you soon! Besos y abrazos, Sujy, Anna E, Nina C, Nomi, Giovanni, Tomas, Facundo, Ricardo, Oscar, Lucas, Pablo, Emilio, and Juan Pablo, Papu, Andrés and Fernando

P R A C T I C A L I T I E S ________________ Schedule ??:??-??:?? Entrance ??:??-??:?? Music Seminar with Orquesta La Juan D’arienzo ??:??-??:?? LIVE acoustic set with Orquesta La Juan D’arienzo ??:??-??:?? We continue dancing; there are empanadas

After-Practica ??:?? A hangout at the cozy pub around the corner called "Ölstugan" (Hornsgatan 143). It's a Monday habit for many of us: conversations about tango & life, over food & drinks. Everyone is welcome to join and we hope to see more of you there

A B O U T _____________________ ??? ?????????: The Orquesta Juan D’Arienzo, founded in 2012, pays homage to the pivotal era of Tango in the 1930s to revive the renowned style of Juan D’Arienzo, often referred to as "El Rey del Compás" (The King of the Beat). Led by bandoneonist Facundo Lázzari, the orchestra features musicians Ricardo Badaracco, Oscar Yemha, and Lucas Pantarotto on violins, Pablo Ginzburg, Emilio Pagano, and Juan Pablo Cravenna on piano, Federico Perez on piano, and Andrés Santarsiero on double bass, with Fernando Rodas as the singer. Over the past decade, the orchestra has embarked on more than 20 tours across Europe, the Americas, and Asia, spreading Tango to countries such as Italy, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, France, England, the US, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Japan, Taiwan, and beyond. Simultaneously, they have toured extensively within Argentina, showcasing their distinctive Tango style. The orchestra has released three albums: "Cortando Clavos" (2014), "Siciliano" (2018), and "Bienvenido a este sector" (2018), earning the title of the Best Orchestra at the Premios Tango awards in 2018.

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