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Gunilla, Eva & Peter (gäst)monday 14 November, 2005 at 13.54 Direktlänk

We are proud to announce the list of teachers for Tango 59 Degrees Stockholm City 2006:

The full schedule of packages and workshops will be presented in January. Booking will commence on 1 February at noon, Central European Time.

More information on {tango59degrees.com}http://tango59degrees.com}

SEBASTIAN ARCE & MARIANA MONTES Sebastian and Mariana are outstanding teachers of the very highest level: clear, concise, humorous and always to the point, coupled with a thorough understanding of the students' needs. Their style of dancing and teaching encompasses all styles, being rooted in a solid classical technique but taking in all new techniques and approaches to teaching. Sebastian came to tango at the tender age of 8 and as a teenager already had performed in practically all tango shows in Buenos Aires and internationally. Mariana began her career as a folklore dancer and was part of the Salta Ballet. They have also appeared in the films Evita (starring Madonna), in Carlos Saura's Tango, and in Happy Together. Sebastian and Mariana are in high demand worldwide: they are simply among the very best, on stage and as teachers.

LUCIA MAZER & EZEQUIEL FARFARO Lucia Mazer, as the former dance partner of Fabián Salas and especially of Chicho Frumboli, is one of the key dancers who have transformed the woman's role in tango. Lucia spans the entire range of expression from an innovative subtlety to a stunning manifestation of raw power, always matched by her unswerving musicality. Ezequiel Farfaro is certainly among the ten best tango dancers in the world, mastering both classical Todaro and Tango Nuevo styles. He is the former protegé and dance partner of the legendary Milena Plebs, another woman who has contributed much to the modern role of the woman in tango. Lucia and Ezequiel together are a dynamic and exciting new constellation as performers and teachers.

THIERRY & VÉRONIQUE Thierry and Véronique were trained in Argentine tango by well-knownn maestros, from the most traditional to the most contemporary. Their style has been influenced by the elegant Osvaldo Zotto, the feline Carlos Gavito and the sparkling Pepito Avellaneda. Their dancing is exclusively improvised, even when performing. In 2002, they won La Viruta's improvisation contest, and they regularly perform in many of the milongas of Buenos Aires. As teachers, they are much appreciated for their very concrete and precise teaching and the special elegance and great musicality they display on the dance floor, regardless of style, be it canyenge, milonguero, salon or fantasia. Thierry & Veronique teach all over the world and emphasise rhythm and unity, communication and precision, comfort and enjoyment of the dance.

GUNILLA RYDÉN & HENRIK ULDALL Gunilla has taught tango since 1997 and focusses on working with the qualities of dance through the music, the body and in the communication of the couple. Gunilla is known for the friendly atmosphere of her workshops, which have included instructor's courses. Henrik Uldall of Denmark is a professionally trained modern dancer with a solid base in body technique and awareness and in musical interpretation. He is very appreciative of the musical freedom in tango, an aspect he emphasises in his teaching. Their partnership as teachers is a much appreciated one, and together they have found a tango which spans from the quietly detailed to the powerfully expressive.

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