Tango Norte

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Inlägg 1-6-760
Per Halltorsdag 26 mars, 2020 kl 23.10 Direktlänk

Lyssna till Tangomusik

Ett inkommet meddelande från en orkester som vill ge oss chansen att lyssna på tangomusik nu när vi måste sitta hemma ... jag återger det i sin helhet nedan.


Dear ,

In today's difficult times for the tango world, where we are all closed and isolated, we want to make TANGO still live among us! We will do what is our passion, life and what we LOVE, so we will play MUSIC for You! Unfortunately, the current situation is difficult for us and because of virus all our concerts in Europe were canceled until the end of May. For this reason, every week at Thursday at 20:00 we will play for you milongas and concerts, live from our DIGITAL TANGO ROOM.

Today at 20:00, the first online concert with great sound quality, for free, simultaneously on FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE platforms.

Here you can find link: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/bandonegro Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bandonegro/

Will be great if you can share this information with your tango community around you. We are glad that we will be able to share our music with you! Join us, listen tango and be safe in your home.

Your donation will help us create music and make it possible for us to produce and release it during the time of coronavirus. Your support will also help us release a new EP, which we planned to premiere in April.

Here you can find link to donation platform:


#StayHome #StayTango

Big hugs,


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