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Silvio Grand & Mayra Galante

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Silvio Grand och Mayra Galante har i mer än 10 år varit professionella dansare och lärare i argentinsk tango. De har bjudits in som huvudpersonerna i konserten som "Tango with the Stars" i Cappella Concert Hall i museet Hermitage, och uppträtt flera gånger som huvudpersonerna i ”Dreams about tango” i National Theatre of Musical Comedy of St Petersburg och i Theatre Musichouse i Moskva. Nyligen spelade de huvudrollen i en egen show "Tango Argentino för 200 års Jubileum" i staden Guadalajara, Mexiko.

De har också medverkat som skådespelare i "Argentinsk Tango och Film Festival" i staden Vladivostok, Ryssland, dansat i teatern "Maxim Gorki" och "Fesco Concert Hall", och som lärare och dansare i Tango festivaler i Riga (Lettland), Uleåborg (Finland), Barletta (Italien), Zürich (Schweiz), Padova (Italien), St Petersburg (Ryssland), Warszawa (Polen) bland annat. De har deltagit som attraktioner i följande shower, Esquina Carlos Gardel i Argentina och varit medlemmar av Juan Carlos Copes ensemble (den mest berömde tangokoreograf genom tiderna), med framträdande på scener som Oktober i St Petersburg och Kreml Theatre i Moskva, Luna Park iBuenos Aires, Rigas Kongressu Nama i Lettland, Metropolitan i Mexiko City, Teatro Popular Melico Salazar i Costa Rica, Teatro Verdi i Italien, Teatro Nacional Ruben Dario i Nicaragua, Teatro Liceo de Buenos Aires, Teatro Nacional i Dominikanska republiken, bland annat, totalt med uppträdanden och shower i över 20 länder i Amerika, Europa och Asien.

Bland biofilmer, DVD och TV har uppträtt i en dokumentär ”I scenen Mayra Galante & Silvio Grand ... Tio år tillsammans”; • Endast Tango The Show, Russian Tour¨, dokumentärfilmen ”Tango, en märklig sväng” och flera tv-produktioner, bland annat i argentinsk tv-kabelkanal Bara Tango i tv program ”Special med Mayra Galante & Silvio Grand" och "Tango i världen".

De har också spelat mängder av tv-reklam för internationella märken som Citibank, Liquor Milonga, Bridgestone, Telefe satellit-tv och den argentinska kanalen Solo Tango.

De välkomnas nu för 3e gången till vår tangofestival, alltid lika uppskattade som artister, för sin professionalitet och vänlighet.

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Silvio Grand and Mayra Galante has been Professional dancers and teachers of the Argentine tango for more than 10 years. They were invited as the main performers in the concert "Tango with the Stars" in Cappella Concert Hall, the museum Hermitage, and appeared several times as the main dancers in "Dreams about tango" in The National Theatre of Musical Comedy of St. Petersburg and The Theatre Music House in Moscow . Silvio recently played the lead role in his own show "Tango Argentino for the Bicentenary" in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico.

They have also participated as an actors in "Argentine Tango and Film Festival" in the city of Vladivostok, Russia. They have danced in the theater, "Maxim Gorki" and "Fesco Concert Hall", and been guest teachers and dancers in Tango festivals in Riga (Latvia), Oulu ( Finland), Barletta (Italy), Zurich (Switzerland), Padova (Italy), St. Petersburg (Russia), Warsaw (Poland), among other places. They have participated as the main attractions in the following shows, Esquina Carlos Gardel in Argentina and have been members of Juan Carlos Copes Ensemble (the most famous tango choreographer of all time). They have appeared in diverses scenes like October in St. Petersburg and the Kremlin Theatre in Moscow, Luna Park in Buenos Aires , Riga Kongressu Nama in Latvia, the Metropolitan in Mexico City, Teatro Popular Melico Salazar, Costa Rica, the Teatro Verdi in Italy, the Teatro Nacional Ruben Dario of Nicaragua, the Teatro Liceo of Buenos Aires, Teatro Nacional in the Dominican Republic, among other things, a total of performances and shows in over 20 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia.

In addition to films, DVDs and television has appeared in a documentary called "An eveningl with Mayra Galante & Silvio Grand ... Ten Years Together "; Only Tango The Show on the Russian Tour and the documentary film "Tango, a remarkable turn "and several television productions, including in Argentine cable tv-channel Only Tango in the program "Special with Mayra Galante & Silvio Grand " and "Tango in the world".

They have also made a numerous television commercials for international brands such as Citibank, Liquor Milonga, Bridgestone, Telefe satellite television and the Argentine channel Solo Tango.

We welcome them för the third year running to our festival. They have been greatly appreciated for their professionalism and kindness.

Närmaste event:

Monday Tango Practica - Måndagspraktika

2024-09-16 17:30:00


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