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måndag 25 september, 2023 kl 17.30–21
Tellus Fritidscenter
Mer information om lärare, program mm finns här på FB eventsida:
Every Monday is a special day and this Monday will certainly not be an exception!
This Monday, we have a special visit from Buenos Aires, by Analia Vega and Marcelo Varela — tango teachers / dancers / choreographers who radiate positive energy with a broad spectrum of authentic spices that range from Feldenkrais to folklore dance.
By the theme "Of Gravity and Orbits", we are thinking Space is the Place where planets and moons tango, much like what we do down here. The galactic order is performed when we stay true to our axis, gravitational forces, and orbital relations. One pivoting axis gives rise to the seasons, another sets the cosmic tone.
We will focus on the following elements of tango-astrophysics: - Containing the energy inside the embrace to fuel our circular movements. - Understanding Axis in our body, in the embrace, and on the dance floor. - Alternating positions: training various sequences in which followers move around leaders, leaders around followers, or both roles together.
After 1 hour of study, we will orbit into two parallel activities at the sametime. At 19:00, precisely. #1: Dance-Hard Practica with DJ Ulla Kastrup — in the main dance hall #2: Bonus workshop (30 mins) for the nerdier — in the café area, next door
This event is open to everyone; and applicable to every millisecond of your tango journey.
Welcome! Varmt välkomna!
17.30-18.00 (Nytt för 2023) Portarna öppnar redan 17:30 för lugnare ankomst, ombyte & uppvärmning inför workshoppar som börjar 18:00 som vanligt!
18.00-19.00 WS (Part1) med Analia & Marcelo
19.00-20.50 Praktika med DJ Ulla (Obs! Cumparsita spelas kl.20:45)
19.00-19:30 WS (Bonus) med Analia & Marcelo — We will continue in the cafe space next door. (OBS! only for WS participants)
Om gästlärarna
Analia Vega and Marcelo Varela are renowned tango and folklore dancers, teachers and choreographers from Argentina. Their dance transcends the simple models of leading and following, uniting two beings with each other and the music in the trinity called Tango, reveling in the connection of musical improvisation and interpretation.
In their 25 years of working with, communicating and enjoying the universal language of dance, Analia & Marcelo have taught classes and exhibited their style at tango festivals globally, in USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, among others. They have been dancers and choreographers in shows such as Tango Cathedral "Caño 14", "Forever Tango", Armando Calo's tango company "Tango Review", the feature film "Evita" directed by Alan Parker, and many more.
Analia & Marcelo are always looking to broaden their horizons, researching and searching for expression in theater, ballet, contemporary dance, music and Feldenkrais method.
You can find numerous videos of them performing on the net. This was 16 years ago, beautiful and perfectly relevant to our theme this Monday: --->
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