Tango Norte

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DJ: Pino

Stockholm Tangofestival 2024 30 dec - 1 jan

Pino Dangiola (Stockholm)

Has been a dj for many years now, earning him the respect and position as one of the best djs from Sweden. He has been the dj in numerous festivals and marathons.

High energy mixed with romantic and melodic tandas. Always with the dancers in mind and making the wave continue the entire evening.

Playing with Vinyl records is an amazing experience for the dancers, who not only can feel and hear the difference in sound. The vibrating sound of the needle, makes it more like a live music experience. Anything can happen since the needle on a turntable can jump!

Närmaste event:

Onsdagspractica- Práctica de los Miércoles- Wednesday practica

2025-01-15 18:15:00


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