Tango Norte

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Los Rosales

Stockholm Tangofestival 2017 29 dec - 1 jan

Juan Manuel and Liza are international Argentine Tango teachers, artists and choreographers. They visited us during last year's tangofestival - and we were all stunned by there fantastic performance on New Year's eve, and their high quality teaching. Juan and Liza have travelled the World dancing on stages of prestigious theatres and teaching in Tango Festivals all over Asia, Europe and Latin America. During their career they have formed part of various famous dance companies and performed in musicals, such as ¨Chantecler¨ by Mora Godoy, ¨Vibraciones del Alma¨ by Daniel Juarez and Alejandra Armenti, and many more. Since the beginning of 2013 Los Rosales are based in Moscow at the ARCETANGO ACADEMIA.

Juan Manuel and Liza made it to the final of the Tango World Championship 2017 in both the two categories tango de pista and tango escenario!

See more pictures and videos - or read about Juan Manuel and Liza at their own web page:


Private lessons? Yes it is possible!

Los Rosales will be available for private lessons during the the festival. To make an appointment you mail to info@losrosalestango.com. The price per hour is 80 Euro for one teacher and 120 Euro for both. For a full package of four classes with one teacher 270 Euro, and with both 400 Euro.

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