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Two Famous Orchestras from Buenos Aires
fredag 20 maj, 2022 kl 14 till söndag 22 maj, 2022 kl 23.59
Viktor Rydbergs Gymnasium
Dos Corazones Tango Festivalito
Two(!) famous Orchestras from Buenos Aires - Orquesta La Juan D'Arienzo and - El Cachivache Orkesta, Milongas with Popular DJ:s, Shows, Workshops with Mario Bournissen och Laura Rusconi and with Sara Westin and Juan Pablo Canavire
All milongas and WSs can be prebooked - click on the links to get to the booking for each event (for the WSs you need to book with a partner). There is an overview booking page for all milongas and WS:s (both with us and with our partner Tango08), and Tango08:s program page gives all information on the program with them.
Friday May 20 at Chicago
Saturday May 21 at Viktor
Sunday May 22 at Viktor
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Onsdagspractica - Práctica de los Miércoles - Wednesday practica |
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Onsdagspractica - Práctica de los Miércoles - Wednesday practica |
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