Tango Norte

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Festival WS:s with Mario Bournissen and Laura Rusconi

fredag 20 maj, 2022 kl 19.30 till söndag 22 maj, 2022 kl 23
Lokal anges nedan

Mario Bournissen och Laura Rusconi give six WSs and a practica during the Dos Corazones Tango Festivalito 20-22/5

The booking of courses (and milongas) is done through Biljettkiosken, click on the WSs to get to the booking.


  • Find a partner!
  • You book and pay through Biljettkiosken (you get there when you click on a WS).
  • Each of you can book and pay for him/herself, or one can pay for both
  • When you got the confirmation you can be certain that you have a place
  • Click on each WS to get to the booking

Friday 20/5 at Chicago

WORKSHOPS each WS 250 SEK, maximum 15 couples

Saturday 21/5 at Viktor

  • 12.00 - 13.30 WS 1 Controlling our balance and our body to better express our music. Connect with our partner and the music.
  • 14.00 - 15.30 WS 2 Introduction to the turn. Different alternatives.
  • 16.00 - 17.30 WS 3 Milonga 1. Rhythmic bases and dynamic practices.

Sunday 22/5 at Viktor

  • 12.00 - 13.30 WS 4 Elastic movements, "rebotes" and relation in the embrace.
  • 14.00 - 15.30 WS 5 Rhythmic movements, dancing in a reduced space.
  • 16.00 - 17.30 WS 6 Milonga 2. Short movements and milonga with traspie..

All the workshops will follow a line of concept, but it is also possible to join individual WSs. Mario and Laura will adapt the teaching to the individual level and needs of the participants. Price: 250 SEK per WS

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Närmaste event:

Monday Tango Practica - Måndagspraktika

2024-09-16 17:30:00


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i dag
Monday Tango Practica - Måndagspraktika

on 18 sep
Onsdagspractica-Práctica de los Miércoles - Wednesday Practica

fr 20 sep
Milonga på Chicago

må 23 sep
Monday Tango Practica - Måndagspraktika

on 25 sep
Onsdagspractica-Práctica de los Miércoles - Wednesday Practica

fr 27 sep
Milonga på Chicago
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