Tango Norte

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Raulis & Johannas kurser under festivalen 2022

Rauli Choque och Johanna Jo
fredag 30 december, 2022 kl 12–13.30
Alviks Medborgarhus, Mossensalen

I anslutning till Stockholm Tangofestival 2022 erbjuder Rauli och Johanna tre WS:s.

Fredag 30/12

  • WS1 12.00-13.30 Turns (giros), boleos and sacadas (Intermediate/Advanced)

In this workshop we’ll work on everything related to turns - for both roles, we’ll work to improve the logic of the turn’s system to be able to improvise within our own style. We will also see how to achieve a good execution of boleos and sacadas!

Lördag 31/12

  • WS2 10.15 - 11.45 Connection, Technique, Posture and Elegance (All levels)

In this workshop we’ll see all the resources that improve the connection in the dance. In addition, we will see some elements to improve our technique and improve the comfort of our dance from a good posture.

  • WS3 12.00 - 13.30 Circular movements

In this workshop we will see balance and stability within circular movements. We will also use different movements to understand how the embrace adapts to the dance. (Intermediate/Advanced)

Both days the Festival afternoon milonga starts at 2 PM - shortly after the course!

Price 250 kr per WS or 600 kr for all three!

How to sign up! Write to raulijohannatango@gmail.com and state which WS(s) you are interested in and who your partner is. If you do not have a dance partner, tell them and they will try to find one for you.

The courses take place at i Alviks Medborgarhus (click for directions).

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Närmaste event:

Onsdagspractica - Práctica de los Miércoles - Wednesday practica

2025-02-12 18:15:00


ur Kalendariet

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fr 21 feb
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