Tango Norte

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Rauli och Johanna

Lärare/ Teachers at Stockholm Tangofestival 2022

You find their workshops here!

Rauli Choque has been dancing Tango since 2004. He started his journey in Córdoba (Argentina). In 2006 he went to Buenos Aires to further enhance his knowledge, taking classes with the great masters, exploring and growing an interest for the roots of tango.

Today he has an extensive knowledge of Tango Salón and Tango Fantasía. Rauli developed a style of his own which includes remarkable aesthetics, melodic base and a clear knowledge of the Tango origin.

As a result, in his classes the pedagogy stands out, the historical references and an excellent balance with respect to the knowledge of both roles. He has a big technical language, which includes the diversity of styles, approaches, and his teaching is oriented at students developing their own dance with criteria about leading, following, connection, musicality, esthetic, comfort and functionality. Therefore Rauli stands out for his ability to transmit the passion for learning the resources of tango, encouraging his students to improve. Together with his previous partner he was teaching and performing throughout Argentina but also in European countries such as France, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Finland, etc.

Also during his career he has received the following awards and distinctions in Tango Championships: Champions of Córdoba, to the Tango World Championship (2012) Metropolitan Championship, 2nd place in Category Milongueros del Mundo (2013) Champions of the 1st Campeonato de Floreal in Buenos Aires (2013), Champions of Tango Salon in “Los Zucca Milonga” (2014), 4 times in a row finalists of Tango World Championship 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Johanna Jo (Jojo) is a broadly educated dancer, dance teacher & dance/movement therapist. Johanna teaches daily in the Stockholm based school JLdance with main focus on Latin American dances as well as technique training and conditioning that aims to increase the abilities needed in basically any dancing (such as body awareness, balance, mobility, stability, body connectivity, movement analysis, embodied anatomy, mindful movement). Johanna has been teaching dance since around 2005 and has throughout the years been continuously completing her studies in dance and movement. She started to study tango for the first time around 2003 in the USA but is back just during recent years and now with a professional perspective.

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Onsdagspractica - Práctica de los Miércoles - Wednesday practica

2025-02-19 18:15:00


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